Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD) Mission

Headquarters and Headerquarters (HHD) provides training, administration, and logistics support to ensure readiness of multifunctional teams deploying worldwide in support of 1st Information Operations Command's missions. HHD manages unit-level supply maintenance and facilities Family Readiness Group (SFRG) functions.

"Silent Warriors!"

HHD BDE Vision

HHD BDE is a unified team trained, resourced, and ready to support the Brigade functions, its personnel, and Family Members

HHD BDE Functions

  • Provide relevant and effective training to meet the needs of the Headquarters and Headquarts Detachment
  • Manage unit-level supply and maintenance to resouce and maintain the readiness of the Headquarters
  • Facilitate the Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG) and establish a network of information and mutual support
  • Provide personnel support through administrative actions
  • Create and build a team through unit activities to include, but not limited to, Physical Readiness Training, Pay Day Activities, Hail and Farewells, Leader's Professional Development, and SFRG Events

HHD Points of Contact

  • Detachment Commander: (703) 664-5518
  • Detachment Sergeant: (703) 664-5520
  • Detachment Executive Officer: (703) 664-5525

HHD BDE Commander: CPT Matthew Langan

Captain Matthew Langan bio is forthcoming.

HHD BDE Detachment Sergeant: SFC Thomas Coburn

SFC Coburn bio is forthcoming..