Army OPSEC Support Element Overview

Effective 1 October 2023 assignment of the Army's OPSEC Support Element (OSE) was transferred to US Army Training and Doctrine Command.

IO Training Overview

The 1st IO Cmd Training and Analysis Branch conducts courses, seminars, workshops and situational training exercises to support internal 1st IO Cmd requirements, and external IO and MILDEC training requirements as tasked in EXORD 136-14, AR 525-20, and AR 525-21. Training is generally available in resident and MTT format, with limited virtual training capability, to DoD and OGAs. See specific courseware and the resident schedule below for availability. For 1st IO Command Training support, contact the branch at:

IO FST MRX Overview

The 1st IO Command’s IO Field Support Team (FST) Mission Readiness Exercise (MRX) is a Culminating Training Event (CTE) for deploying IO FSTs of four or more personnel. Each IO FST MRX replicates the IO FST’s upcoming mission and supported unit(s) to provide realistic collective training that prepares the IO FST for its mission. An IO FST MRX also serves as an IO FST external evaluation that provides key leaders with objective feedback on the IO FST’s level of task proficiency and mission readiness. For 1stIO CMD IO FST MRX support, contact the MRX Section at: